Our School 2-B Class Teacher Yonca YILDIRIM DÜZ, 3-E Class Teacher Aslı KOÇAK AYDINIER and our English Teacher Sevgi ERKMEN TEZEL, together with their students, started the E-Twinning Project called TV Programmes (TV Programs) with teachers and students from Turkey and Georgia. We wish them and our students success.
The main idea of this project is to make students think over means of communication about TV programmes. They will therefore learn about the different types of TV programmes, discuss/ find more names of programmes /channels and become responsible for making their favourite TV Programme. The project will engage students to work in teams and collaborate with others to create a final product. Respecting different ideas and working methods will be essential to exchange ideas. Each partner group will create animations, posters and promote their favourite TV show using a virtual whiteboard with their preferred format, design, illustration and argument.